Web-based Accounting
100% digital and environmentally friendly 🍃
Classical accounting service
Esimesed 3 kuud -45% soodsamalt ja ettevõtte ületoomine TASUTA
We offer payroll accounting both as part of an accounting service and as a separate service

Arangur OÜ
I am extremely satisfied with the high quality accounting service provided by Purgato. The Purgato team is extremely fast and efficient. My company's bookkeeping has always been done quickly and without compromising on quality. Their professionalism and punctuality in providing accounting services has helped us maintain order in our financial affairs. Purgato's team has always shown a high level of responsiveness. They have quickly resolved all accounting issues and concerns, and have been extremely customer-oriented. I would definitely recommend Purgato Accounting Services to other companies. Their team is not only professional, but also friendly and using their service has been a smooth and pleasant experience.
Many thanks to the Purgato team for the excellent service!
Kingivabrik OÜ
There are 3 people you have to be 100% honest with, the accountant is one of them. So you have to be very careful when choosing an accountant because they know all your secrets - we have that good relationship with accountants.
What's more, bookkeeping is not just about entering invoices, it's also about taking on and solving exciting challenges - and we have plenty of them. The Purgato team knows or will find the answers and, if necessary, is always willing to go that extra mile to keep the customer happy. We are satisfied with the services provided by the Purgato team!
Marcus & Williams OÜ
Purgato raamatupidamisfirmat iseloomustab kiirus ja täpsus. Lisaks laialdane teadmiste pagas erinevatest finantsvaldkonna osadest mis põimuvad raamatupidamisega. Ükski küsimus pole liiast, Purgato meeskond mitte ainult ei vasta kliendi küsimusele vaid toetab, informeerib ja harib klienti küsitava teema kohta laiemalt, et klient saaks teha ka tulevikus teadlikumad otsused.
Naaksu OÜ
Olen Purgato meeskonna poolt pakutud raamatupidamisteenusega ülimalt rahul. Kui mul on tekkinud küsimusi või midagi on jäänud segaseks, siis Kati-Liis on mulle alati leidnud aja ja kõik põhjalikult lahti rääkinud. Oma asjadel ei pea ma ise silma peal hoidmagi kui mul on nii toredad raamatupidajad J Kõik probleemid saavad lahendatud ! Hindan kõrgelt Purgato meeskonna professionaalsust.
Soojustuspood OÜ
Purgato meeskond on tegelenud meie e-poe raamatupidamisega juba aastaid. Asjaajamised on selged ja korrektsed ning iga küsimusele saab alati vastuse. Suurepärased raamatupidajad!
Emba Studio OÜ
Kati-Liis on väga kiire reageerija ning alati nõu ja jõuga abiks. Minu küsimused saavad kiiresti vastused ja tean, et võin Purgato meeskonnale loota.